Braille Puzzle

Let the first 10 letters of the alphabet correspond to the 10 digits as follows:

a       1
b       2
c       3
h       8
i       9
j       0

Words composed of the letters a-j will have corresponding numerical values. For instance, cage corresponds to 3175.

What common word, using the first 10 letters of the alphabet has the highest numerical value, and what is the number? Hint: My answer is in nine digits.

You may be interested to know that exactly this code is used in Braille. The Braille symbols for the letters a-j are also used for the 10 digits. Numbers are distinguished from letters by use of a number sign preceding the string. So, for instance, if a Braille reader encounters the Braille symbols for #face, it is read as the number 6135. Incidentally, I am a Braille reader.